Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Waste of Time

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Technology is great... but is life really better because of it?

Call me old fashioned if you want, but I really miss many aspects of life before all of these hi-tech gadgets entered our lives.

When I grew up in the 1960's and 70's things were much different. We didn't have any...

Cable TV. In fact we only had two TV channels to watch! No VCRs!

Personal computers. No video games whatsoever! No internet!

Cell phones. Imagine not being able to call your best buddy on a whim!

Cars stereos. Not until the late 1970s. My parents cars only had monaural AM radios in them.

So life must have been totally boring! What did we do with all of our time?

I'll tell you what. Life was NOT boring at all! In fact, there seemed to be more hours in a day than there are now! There was more time and less of it was wasted! In many ways life was better despite not having so many of today's conveniences!

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